A Real Transformation in work culture
Visual management is very effective tool to show case vision of the company. This gives a positive message about the work culture of the company. Visual management also aims to improve productivity and quality at shop floor level.
We offers services for Company Beautification Project on line of visual management & safety aspects. we take it as a turnkey project, review the present system to find scope of improvement, do detailing & provide the best solution.
We undertake company beautification, or company transformation project. If you want to renovate, or adding up new facility, we can give your work place a new look form angle of 5S, safety, Visual management & overall representation to customers and visitors.
Need of Company Beautification :
- To have excellent presentation for customers/visitors.
- Complete solution for cultivating motivating work culture.
- To emphasize on international standards of ISO9001/ 14001, OSHAS 18001 etc.
- Convert workplace in a visual & organized platform.
- Improves quality & productivity of the workmen.
- Emphasize on importance of safety given in company.
- Information reaches to large people, spread awareness.
[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.breval.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Company-Beutification-Project.pdf” title=”Company Beutification Project”]
The project can range in between Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 1,50,000, depending on the scope of the project.
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