Working together with common purpose is what build big bridges. We support you by facilitating activities required for successful journey of your intent.
You will be provided with following support:
- Members from diverse background
- Comfortable Sitting
- Meeting room for deep discussion
- Projector
- Lounge Area
- Tea/Coffee
- Printer
- Stationaries
- Flexible hours
- Co Working Environment
The existing clubs, which may be of interest are as below:
- E magazine publishing: This club include persons from diverse field with an intent to publish e-magazines. The group uses their time to research and provide value added content for sharing knowledge with the global readers. If you want to join this club, click here.
- Book Review Club: Boks are the best guide for our own personality development. We have a book review club where members review books every week & provide valuable insight. All members discuss & put forward their view points. This way the essence of the book is absorbed by everyone of them. If you want to join this club, click here.
If you have a purpose/idea in your mind and want to form a club, please reach out to us. We will also support you in getting members for your club. click here.