Lean Training Videos

Videos are the best way of self development. We are developing videos for supporting the zeal to learn.

The Egg Factory- Eliminate Waste

This video takes an example of a Boiled Egg company- ” The Egg Factory” to make you understand the various types of waste in a process. this also explains how to identify these wastes, so that actions plan for eliminating these wastes can be worked out.


Eight Lean Waste- Mr. TIMWOODS

There are many type is waste in any industrial process. These are categorized in 8 types. The training video tells about types of wastes in an industries & how to identify them.

Kaizen- The Lean Idea Management Tool

Kaizen is japanese term representing continuous improvement (KAI=Change, ZEN=GOOD). The kaizen training module tells about history, importance & process of implementing a kaizen system in any company. The video explanes kaizen in very simpler & easy way.

Multi tasking vs Single tasking

Single tasking is the new multitasking. Which is better Multi Tasking or Single Tasking? The Video will give you all your answers.

The Red Tag System

The Red Tag system is very important  for successful implementation of 5S-SORT process. This the first step of 5S, thus very important for successful implementation of complete 5S process. The Video explains how Red tag is to be used.

You can Buy red tags here.

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