Thermography for Reliability Improvement

Predictive Maintenance is very important to identify the future family proactively and take action to prevent the same. There are many power components in control panels, electrical panels etc. These are:

  1. Power supply
  2. Terminations
  3. Cables
  4. MCBs & Contactors
  5. Control cards
  6. Relays & So on.

The life of these components are dependent on various failure modes like Manufacturing defects, Quality of electrical work, Loos connections, Ambient conditions like humidity, dirt & temperature, Power loading, design issues etc.

There is need to monitor health of these components on routine basis.

Thermography is one the main tool with which we can identify the hot spots, which can result in failure in future. Once hotspots are identified, corrective actions can be taken immediately and major loss can be stopped.

Each component is deigned for certain degree of temperature. If the temperature increase above certain value, this should ring alarm to maintenance team.

Thermography is useful to monitor health in following cases.

  • Power Supply loading
  • Barrier & any electronic card over heating.
  • Detecting loose or corroded electrical connections
  • Detecting electrical unbalance and overloads
  • Inspecting bearings and Electrical motors
  • Inspecting steam systems IR Imaging helps  better to recognise and report suspect elements
  • Enable the repair to done right the first time.
  • High resistance connections
  • Hot spots
  • Over loaded cables
  • Over loaded fuses or breakers
  • Imminent motor or conveyor bearing failure
  • Motor windings over heating
  • Overheating in distribution equipment
  • Phase load imbalance
  • Hot spots in high level lighting
  • Heat build-up in overcrowded trunking
  • Thermal insulation breakdown (hot or cold)
  • Thermal loss
  • Damp ingress

We provide thermography service at surat for electrical and instrument control panels.

Our Expert engineer visits your place for scanning the system offered, Analyse the output and provide report with recommendation.

Contact Us on 9971467155 or mail us at

One thought on “Thermography for Reliability Improvement


Say, you got a nice post.Really thank you! Much obliged.

August 11, 2023 at 11:32 pm

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